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You've Gotta Make Time For Golf
All men who enjoy golf need to take time to play golf each week throughout the summer. I'm convinced of it. As the wife of a very busy husband and as a family therapist, I am convinced that all men need the break and the relaxation that comes from playing a round of nine or eighteen holes of golf.When I was first married I would get frustrated about my husband's sheer excitement about golf as each spring turned to summer. I would give him a hard time about buying a member...
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Why Golfers Need To Warm Up
Warming up before a game of golf is important especially if you are new to a course and want to play your best. Most people warm up at the driving range or warm-up area provided by the golf course. If you are tempted to skip the warm-up session and begin playing, you not do as well as you want to because muscles need time to stretch irregular use. Since you probably don't golf everyday, you will be using muscles that are seldom used otherwise, so warming up is important for y...
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Why Are Golf Courses Designed The Way That They Are
No matter where you go on this great big planet of ours you are bound to come across at least a few golf courses. These days golf courses are the must have for all countries and that is because now more than ever, golf is a major tourist attraction. People travel far and wide to visit the best and most talked about golf courses. That is why so much time and effort, not to mention money is poured into these projects each and every year.If you love to play golf then you kno...
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Ways To Become A Better Golf Player
Choosing the right golf clubs to use on a golf course can be intimidating to new golfers. This is why it is important when learning to play golf to use each club in order to understand how it is used and what it can do on the course. Once you have become a better golfer, you will be able to make these decisions very easily. You may also develop a fondness for one or two clubs and not use the rest. Because each golfer is different, golf sets include woods, irons, and putters. ...
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The Rich Dont Need Golf Discounts - Do They?
Do rich people need golf discounts? I suppose they dont even think about anything with the word discount attached to it? Maybe the rich people who golf have so much money that the thought of golf discounts never enters their mind? With all the expenses that go into playing a round of golf like green fees, cart fees, golf balls, new golf clubs if necessary, do they even care what all that cost. Conventional wisdom says that only the rich play golf. While it might...
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The Next Time...Buy A Golf Cart
You probably just take them for granted when you play golf, and never think about their origin. I'm talking about golf carts, those miniature vehicles dotting every golf course. However, golf cart production is a multi-million dollar industry and different models abound. They are treated as small cars, and golf-cart companies provide leasing and financing options just as the big car companies do.Golf originates from a medieval game played on the coast of Scotland during the 15th century.
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The Importance Of Golf Bags
Golf is a very 'gear heavy' sport if you want to play golf using your own kit instead of renting from the course, then you should expect to have to spend a lot of money. One of the biggest expenses is your clubs, so it is natural that you will want to take good care of them.Golf bags can be used to keep your clubs safe some of them have extra compartments to hold golf balls, clothing, and perhaps some refreshments for while you are out on the course. Choosing G...
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The Facts About Links Golf Courses
The difference between a parkland course and a links course is considerably greater than is commonly known. They are both 'somewhere to play golf' but that's about where any similarity ends. Most people (well, golfers anyway) know that a golf links is a golf course on the coast - a seaside course. However, the definition is even narrower than that. The word 'link' or 'links' comes from the Old English word 'hlinc' meaning a ridge or a stretch of flat, undulating land along a ...
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Some Great Golf Gifts For The Golfing Enthusiast
Golf is an amazingly social game, and if you play golf regularly then you are bound to have some golf friends that you spend time with. If this is the case, then you might want to find them the perfect golf gifts to commemorate a special occasion. But where can you find these gifts, and what sort of things are on offer? Well, there are golf gifts for virtually every need and budget, and if you shop around then you are sure to find the perfect gifts for your friends and family...
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Simple Golf Basics
Like any other sports, golf requires that you are geared up correctly to be able to properly play the game. This article will give you an idea of basic golf equipment one requires to be able to learn and play golf.
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Qualities Of Ideal Golf Nets
Time has changed. You no longer have to visit your nearest country club to drive off a few. You could play golf in the comfort of your own home. All you have to do is buy golfing materials and install a golf net. Before installing golf nets on your own, one should know the criteria for purchasing an effective golf net. Listed below are the basic criteria in choosing the most effective golf nets suitable for both beginners and professionals. 1. SecurityFirst and foremo...
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Pratise Golf On Different Courses
Movies about golfing are usually for entertainment purposes only and should not be taken seriously. While golfers and others will enjoy the storyline, characters, and outcomes, they should be careful not to critique the actual golf round being played as they are fictionalized through editing and camera tricks most of the time. While actors may play golf in their spare time, they are usually not able to perform most of the tricks they seem to perform during the movie. But ...
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Play Golf Right
Get the Basics Right
Golf is a very simple game if one knows rules and basics. It is absolutely important to get the basics right and make these rules your habit if you want to get a decent score. This article elaborates on how to get your basics right.
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Playing Golf Is Good For The Health
Yes, it is official. Golf is good for you. This has also been verified by the United States Golf Association and their advice is that you should play golf and walk the course while playing rather than riding the golf cart. That is how it is good for health. Walking is known to boost the pumping of the heart for the blood to circulate through the body to carry out this activity and this in turn provides the essential nourishment for your body. Walking is good for the body so g...
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Planning To Have A Good Golf Vacation?
From all over the world, from North America to Africa, almost everybody loves to play golf. In fact, golf has been known to most countries in the world today. But wouldnt it be nice playing golf in other areas, not just in your usual courses which have become too ordinary for you? How about taking a golf vacation?If you are keen in seeing how golf is being played in cultures other than yours or you want to see new sights and new course golf course surroundings, then you ...
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Never Keep Your Head Still in the Backswing
When I first started to play golf, the tip I heard the most was keep your head still. If you want to improve your game you actually have to do the opposite.
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More Than A Just A Putt Or 2
In addition to allowing the player to have a good time and get in a little exercise, the ability to play golf can be a highly desirable social skill and business tool. In the United States, golf has risen to the surface as the unofficial sport of the business world. It is widely known that many a business deal has originated on the golf course, it has even jokingly been said that board meetings only confirm decisions that are really made on the golf course. Due to that fact, ...
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Mental Tips To Improve Your Golf Game
What goes on mentally during a game of golf is just as important as what's happening on the green. To play golf well, you have to train your muscles and practice your shots. But, you also have to train your mind. It's just as important to keep your focus during a golf game. Here are some ideas for keeping your mind on your game.Develop A Pre-Shot RoutineA pre-shot routine helps you clear your mind and remove distractions before you take your swing. Pros always recomme...
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Live And Play Golf Everyday!
There are many benefits that go along with living in a golf community. If you have never looked into this way of living you are missing out on a lot. No, golf community living is not right for everybody, but you at least owe it to yourself to look into what this lifestyle has to offer. Many people think that golf communities are only for people who like to golf a lot. Even though this can be true, it is not necessarily the case with everybody. Regardless of who you are a golf...
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Left Handed Golf
The best way for a left handed golf player to play golf is to use the right golf equipment. Experts recommend left handed golf players wait until they can get suitable left handed golf clubs and the best place for this is over the internet.
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Left-handed Golf Player
If you are left-handed, you may find it difficult to find the right equipment when learning how to play golf. Depending on where you live and if you have access to large golf stores or pro shops, you may have to order your equipment through a website or catalogue. While some left-handed people learn how to play right-handed, it is not uncommon to find a left-handed player or two at the golf course or driving range.Before you begin taking golf lessons, you should decide if...
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Learning How To Play Golf
Anyone who is considering golf training will be happy to know that there are plenty of ways to learn how to play the game. Every way from the golf course to the internet, the video store and even the classroom will prove to be beneficial for those wanting to learn how to play the great game of golf.
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Know Your Course: Greens
Golfers are very picky of the golf course where they want play. They don't like playing in areas where the greens were just punched. That is why keepers of the greens implement a lot of methods to make sure expert care is given and golfers play golf without being annoyed.There are a lot of problems that resemble a nightmare if no perfect trouble shooting tips are used. One aspect that is very important in keeping a good greens is the drainage. Although, this is often over...
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Hybrid Golf Clubs: Start Playing Like A Pro
Millions of people play golf on a regular basis. Out of the vast number of avid golfers in the world, there are actually only a handful of really extraordinarily gifted golfers, most of whom are professionals. The rest of the golfing population either play in amateur tournaments, or they just like to use golf as a social activity.Recreational golfers are not that competitive. They just like to golf for fun. But even these people who golf for leisure still would like to im...
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How To Warm-Up For Your Golf Game In 5 Minutes With Golf Fitness Stretches
It is well known that in every professional sport athletes perform a series of flexibility exercises and drills to prepare them to play a game. The game of golf is no different. Unseen to the general public, many PGA Tour players perform a series of golf flexibility exercises to prepare them to play golf. It is done prior to hitting the driving range or putting green. It is a process of getting the muscles and joints of body ready to swing a golf club. Most every golfer on th...
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How To Plan Your Own Golf Vacation
Playing golf is one of the passionate hobbies of the upper echelons of the society. Sometimes these people take a few days off their busy schedule and visit Golf courses or villas elsewhere in the country to enjoy the pleasures of playing Golf over there. They hardly mind packing off and traveling hundreds of miles just to play Golf; because they love Golf Vacation.There are many places in US, which offer exotic Golf vacation, the list seems to be endless. From Palm Sprin...
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How Do You Play Golf: The Basic Rules
Golf is played by hitting a ball using a club on an area called teeing ground. Once the ball is hit, it usually travels fairways across and onto a next prepared area. A hole could be found in this area that is called a putting green. The objective of the game of golf is that one should be able to complete a hole by means of hitting a ball from a teeing ground and place it inside the hole of the putting green in as little strokes as possible. What is commonly referred ...
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Hole-In-One Golf Gifts
I get to play golf for a living, says Tiger Woods with a toothy grin. What more could you ask for?Tiger Woods is golf's most dashing young icons, and his success has generated renewed interest in golf and golfing all over the world. Golf continues to shed its stigma as a sport only the rich and the bored play. In fact, today, people of all walks of life are practicing their hooks and slices on over 32,000 golf courses throughout the world. In China, for example, the f...
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Guide To Buy Used Golf Clubs For Beginner Golfer
If you are just starting out to play golf, you should never buy a new golf club set immediately as you may discover that this game is not for you later on. Furthermore, you are yet to find the type of golf clubs that fits you during the learning stage. The good choice is to start with cheap used golf clubs.
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Great Places To Play Golf In November
Many golfers in northern climates may think the season is over. Or at least until that next business trip or Thanksgiving vacation. Living in Colorado, I've played in all types of conditions to quench my thirst for the links.
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Great Golf Courses Across America
One of the most beautiful aspects of the game of golf is the variance between playing terrains. There are great courses, and there are terrible ones, but there's a world of new playing experiences available to you. In this article, we'll highlight some of the top places to play golf across America.- Pebble Beach Golf Links is one course that has received much critical acclaim. Located in Pebble Beach, California, the course has brought class and elegance to the game of g...
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Golf Tricks for newbie Golfers
Tricks and tips to play better golf. Exact instructions to be able to play golf like the pros do.
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Golf Stuff To Keep In Your Bag
If you are a beginning golfer, or have thought about learning how to play, buying the right equipment can help you become a better golfer. Equipment usually includes a set of golf clubs, a golf bag, tees, and golf balls. While you may be tempted to buy the best equipment, save some money and stress by purchasing a less expensive golf ball because chances are you will lose many of them while learning how to play golf. Once you become better at the game, you may want to experim...
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Golf Putter | Make It Your Best Friend
Choosing the right putter can be the most important decision you make when it comes to your equipment. In fact, the putter is the club you use the most. Choosing the right one is like choosing a best friend. A few basic considerations to keep in mind when you are making such an important decision have to do with the bottom section or the head of the putter. This is where the brains of the putter are. There are other factors to consider such as the length and the grip but th...
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Golf Playing Tips: Learn How To Play Golf In 5 Easy Ways
For people who are into playing golf, nothing matters most for them than to have a better score when playing the game. This is because most golfers usually take their gratifications in the scores that they make.Therefore, for people who want to increase their playing skill, here is a list of some tips that they can use to improve their gaming performance.1. Pump up before the game startsEvery golfer must first learn the things they have to do before they play the ...
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Golf Jobs: Tee Off A Lifestyle Career
As a sport, the entertainment capacity of golf is beyond doubt. However, what a career in golf offers is much more than the entertainment factor. The big daddy of lifestyle sports, golf tenders monetary benefits, fame, travel, freedom and many more objects of desire.The rewards of a career in the golf industry are numerous. Nothing is more desirable for a golfer than the opportunity to play golf daily and remain connected to it in every sense of the word. A golf job allow...
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Golf Club 101
Should one decide to play golf, the essential thing that a person needs is a set of golf clubs. Most people who are not sure whether to invest more in the game prefer to borrow a set provided by the club or buy a used one. A person can acquire a second hand set from a golf specialty store or buy it from a professional golfer who may want to sell the used set to buy a new one. When that person feels that one is ready to get serious with the sport, the individual may now de...
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Golf Clubs And Accessories
The golf accessories and clothing you purchase can have a dramatic impact on how well you play golf. Even though there are many different types of equipment, having a better understanding of what you need is important so you can choose the best equipment and accessories for your golf clubs. If you are a beginner, you will need the basics such as a set of golf clubs, bag, golf balls, tees, golf shoes, and a cleaning kit so you can keep your clubs looking like new for a long ti...
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Golf Basics - Build Your Foundation First
The first aspect of the game of golf that I talk with about a person or group of people that are just beginning to take up the game is that learning to play golf is going to take some time and much patience. In fact, the patience part never goes away in this great game!
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Golfing In The Wind
Wind and other weather conditions can play a large role in the quality of your game. Even though you may have the perfect stance, the right club in hand, and the right green conditions, if the wind is blowing too hard in one direction or there is a cross breeze, your ball will not land where you intended. For the beginning golfer, this can be very frustrating. Even in the best golf weather, new golfers will have difficulty controlling the ball, so you can imagine their frustr...
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Getting Started With Golf Training
If you are interested in golf training, there are a variety of teaching options to get you started. From the internet to the video store and even the classroom, there is no shortage on available lessons. Depending on the type of golf training that you ultimately select, prices can be quite affordable. Professional golf training, however, will be more costly.If you would like to hire an instructor to help you learn to play golf, consider a professional instructor or someon...
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Four Good Reasons To Take Up Golf As A Sport
The Exercise Golfing is one of the best exercises that you can do. I taught this fellow about ten years ago how to play golf. He had bypass surgery done on his heart, and his doctor told him to walk for exercise. So he asked me to teach him how to golf. He was a retired carpenter. Think about it for a second. There is 1760 yards in a mile. The average golf course is anywhere from 5000 yards to 6500 yards on some of the bigger courses, depending on which tee box you are pl...
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Do Golf Lessons Really Help?
For many years I would go to Phoenix Arizona between Christmas and New Years to visit some relatives and friends. Every year my friend Ray and I would play golf at least 3 times during my stay and every year it would be a contest to see who won the most games.
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Correcting Golf Swing Problems - A Few Basic Tips
You've been playing golf forever and you still stink when you're out on the green. You've got all the necessary gear, all the training stuff, and you've watched videos and tutorials online. So, what's the problem?Even if you play golf as a hobby, you'll always need to be concerned with correcting golf swing problems. There's nothing more rewarding than noticing that you're scores are getting lower. You'll gain more confidence and feel better about your game.Here are s...
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Core Golf Strength Will Improve Your Game
The core golf strength, unknown to many enthusiasts of the game is the conditioning and strengthening of the muscles in your body, which you use to play golf. The weaker and unprepared this core golf strength is, the weaker your game of golf will be.
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Choosing A Golf Teacher
Learning how to golf can be an exciting, but challenging hobby to participate in. While you may enjoy being outdoors, until you golf on your first golf course, you will never know the joy of being able to direct your golf ball to the proper places, feel the wind, and participate in a sport with other people. There are many ways to learn how to play golf, but the best way is to buy or rent a set of golf clubs and go to a driving range. There you can learn how to swing, hit, an...
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Children Learning To Play Golf
Children are learning golf in school. Most schools recognize golf as a sport and have golf teams. They teach the kids the art of golfing with instructional videos and professional lessons. Parents sometimes send their children to golf schools if they express an interest in playing golf. Golf is a family sport if you want it to be. Besides learning school and at private lessons, some parents start their children off on the driving range and teach them what they know. More and ...
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Change Your Life With Some Great New Golf Tips
Good golfing means good golf tips and to find them there are some definite things you need to do. The best golf tips may not grow on trees but there are tons out there for you and all you have to do is look for them, and not that hard either. They are literally everywhere! Some of the best golf tips will be a little harder to find than some of the others but you will have no problem finding hundreds of golf tips that will change the way that you play golf forever. Of course t...
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Celebrities Get Hooked On Golf
Celebrities that love to play golf. Discover what they think about this game... and how professional or not they are.
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One Degree Between Success And Failure
Whats the difference between success and failure
?One Degree!Have you ever seen Tiger Woods play golf?Tiger Woods knows the importance of one degree. Why?Well, think about this for a moment.Whats the difference between Tiger hitting a perfect straight shot and him hitting a shot that goes way off to the right?You guessed it
One Degree.One degree of difference in the angle of his club can mean hitting a perfect shot or hitting a shot that goes no...
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Reap Benefits When You Submit Articles For Niche Marketing
Niche markets are small specific markets. Individuals or businesses are grouped together for niche marketing if they share similar interests or needs. For instance, females who play golf can be considered a niche market. Reaching as many people in the same niche is necessary to making your small business work. However, if you are an online business start-up, finding your target audience may be challenging in the beginning. One way to quickly finding your target audience i...